Monday, November 27, 2006

Letters in Memory of Davey

I would very much like to share with all of you some of the heartwarming, memorable, moving, and simply beautiful mails I have received since my father’s passing. All of them brought me to tears, most brought a smile to my lips, and some even brought me to laughter in remembering. People I have had no contact with in more years than I care to think of, have taken the time and energy to share their memories of this amazing man…who was loved by all as you will clearly see.
Below is a selection of some of just a few of the letters I have received in Memory of My Father
Some are printed anonymously and I have removed any identifying information as requested by the senders, and others tell a little about the person who sent the letter with his permission.

The following is from my son, and I am leaving it in his originally spelled English e-mail which he sent to his savta (grandmother)…the day after the funeral he left with his girlfriend for the States and this was sent from there. Of all my 6 children, I think he spent the most time with my parents, as he lived just a few houses away for many years as a small boy in Gush Katif, and after my divorce, lived with my parents in their house in Netanya, with me for 1 ½ years, and after that, my parents lived with ME for 5 years as well in Pardes Chana….you can see he felt the impact of this and surprised us all with this lovely tribute to my father…I don’t think any grandfather can hope to remembered any more beautifully than this.

hey savata how are you we hope everything is starting to get back to normal although it is hard to keep on going ,but that is the only way , and you have the best people around you to help you ,we're just sorry we could not be apart of them right now .
but know that we are there in our minds and thoughts,
you know i didn't realy have a chance to speake with you about saba
so here are few thing's that about how i remember,
i remember him working in the garden in gush katif with out his shirt on and how strong he was,
i remember him teaching me how to play chess ,but never leting me win ,
i remember him taking ages until he use to play his turn while plaing cards
i remember him taking me in natanya trien to show me all th shortcuts around the streets
i remember him teaching me how to do stuff around the house in pardes hana
i remember him always shining up each time i offerd to go get him some ice cream while he was in the hospital
i remeber a man who knew so much and was alwayes happy to shear it
i remember a man who escorted me my whole life and in some way was more a father than a grandfather
thats how i remember

love you very much

The next two are from a Cousin that we have not been in contact with for decades!:

I want to express my deepest sympathy for your loss of a wonderful husband and friend. He was a remarkably good man. Kind, considerate and gentle. His spirit, his smile, and his goodness will remain alive in the hearts and minds of all who knew him and loved him.

Dear Jane:
I was very much saddened to learn of the passing of your father. He was a good man, and always kind and patient with me … The last time I saw him was many years ago just before he moved to Israel. As I recall, he had cardio-vascular issues at that time, and he became a vegetarian which, it would seem, extended his life. (My sister) keeps me informed of family events so I did know that he was having difficulties the last couple of years. I suppose what I am saying is that you and your family were blessed, and very fortunate, to have him with you all these years. I guess because I had not seen him all these years I only have fond memories of a very youthful, fun loving, and playful uncle who, as I perceived him, liked to tease people in a most benign and loving way.
Please extend my most sincere condolences to my aunt Judy and your brothers. I hope they are all in good health and you as well.
Much love to you and your family,

P.S. I never beat him at checkers either.

And a another from a cousin:

I'll always remember him as a very caring, sweet man and always there to heal ones heart that pains. No matter how bad he was feeling, he was always there smiling and cheering others. We will miss him very much.
All our love to the entire family.
Love, Faith and Lenny

And yet another:

Your love for your father was so eloquently written and moving, that my eyes watered.
Perhaps it's the distance and our remoteness from experiencing his last weeks and days that make it hard for Elyn and myself to fully feel his passing. But I would like to think it's much more than that. I do think his warmth and his ever-present smile were not taken from us by his death.

He was a kind and gracious man. Not once did I hear him say a negative word about anyone in seriousness or in jest. I believe anyone who knew Davie was all the better for it. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to see him this year and was amazed by how graceful he could handle his illness. Yes, as a matter of fact, he did handle his illness. His illness did not handle him. That speaks to the kind of man he was. He acquired a quiet wisdom that enabled him to face life's difficulties and his own suffering. He did it all with grace. And his smile.

In his passing, I am reminded of Abe and their life-long close friendship.

I have come to appreciate that one can learn life's lessons from others. There is much to learn and be inspired by how one lives his life as well as how one dies. In your father's life and his death there is that inspiration.

We hope that you and your mother and the entire family will be comforted by the serene warm love that death failed to take from our Davie.

With our love,
Avriel, Elyn, Ari, Elana

The following from the son of a first cousin...meaning my father was his grand-uncle.

Dear Aunt Judy,
I want to first apologize for the delay in sending this email out. It’s gotten very difficult for me during times of sorrow to express feelings and for that I apologize for this delay. Uncle Dave has always been one of my favorites and I miss him already. I was so sorry to hear about his passing. I have such wonderful memories of him from my visits. One that stands out for me was upon my first visit to Israel as a teenager. You were living in Netanya at the time and I came to visit for the weekend. Uncle Dave and I went to shul and I remember watching him pray. He wasn’t just saying the words or going through the motions, he was praying with such intention, kavana, with a genuineness that I had never seen before. That vision of him davening is imbedded in my mind to this day. It summed up for me how a person’s life should be lived: with genuineness.
May your memories of him provide comfort to you and your family during this very difficult time.

With Love,

The following is also from a cousin who has been pretty much “out of touch” for many many years.

My sister Barbara and my nephew Marty both sent me your beautiful piece about your dear father-who was always my favorite Uncle. The picture you attached really caught the essence of a man who always seemed to find the best in life.
My sympathies, of course, and thank you for sharing.

The two following letters are from a second cousin I don’t think I ever even met, or perhaps saw him as a very small child before I came to live in Israel!

Jane, I'm Barbara and Mel Feinberg's son and my father just sent me your beautiful blog entry. While I didn't get a chance to see your mom and dad that often, they were always my favorite great aunt and uncle. As you will see from the email below ( I'm not sure that your mom ever received it), I loved your father and have very fond memories from the times I saw him. He will always be in my mind and heart.
Great Aunt Judy,
I know that its been some time since we've spoken (lets see - I'm 43 and I was Bar Mitzvahed at 13, so 30 years?), but I have always had such fond memories of both Uncle and yourself. While my Grandfather Elias always got a thrill out of giving me a hard time (i.e., Hey Gramps I got a "B" in my English class, he would respond - Why not an "A"?), I always remember Uncle Davey as being the kinder and gentler Scheiman. I know that many would find it hard to believe that such a thing existed ( ha ha), but its true. No matter where I saw Davey (even though our appearances at the Family Circle were in frequent) he always had kind words and a smile for me.
It feels like yesterday that we all (well I remember that Grandma and probably my mom didn't go. I believe that you went, right?) walked down to the schul on Ocean Avenue, for what was termed my bar mitvah. At the time, I didn't really know what to expect but had my suit on and was raring to go (well, I had my suit on). I vividly recall Uncle Davey trying to keep me at ease as we walked. I believe that both of you were on each side of me, running a bit of interference as Grandpa forged ahead. At that time, I wished that the walk would never end. In contrast to the endless walks that I took around Brooklyn with Grandma and Grandpa which I would always wished ended quickly.
As we entered the orthodox schul, I thought to myself - "self, what did you get yourself into? If you had just stayed at the reform schul like my parents wanted -oy!" Here the men were segregated from the women, the men had long beards and before you knew it, I was ushered into the basement. There, my arms and head were wrapped in leather! What did I know about tefillin, I was from a reform schul. The next moments of the ceremony was filled with sheer terror. I had no idea what I was being asked to read (even though I did study for weeks), but as I looked around, standing close to me was Grandpa, Davey and my father for support. Lo and behold, I made it through and became a man. Besides, there was great snacks afterward, which I believe we provided.
Taking a long deep breathe as I left the schul, we made our way back to Grandma's house and ate with everyone. Well that was my bar mitzvah day as I remember it. I'm a bit disappointed that I don't remember more, but hey, I'm moving up in those years.
Uncle Davey will surely be missed. Not only by those of us who loved him deeply, but to the world in which always he brought a kind word and a smile. I will saying a blessing for him today and hope that sometime SOON I will get to see you again.
Love always. Marty

This from a member of the community we lived in for many years…
Dear Jane,
I am sorry I shall not be available to attend the funeral of your dear father. Of course I knew him - he used to come to my shiurim when I lived in Pardess Hannah and I used to deliver the Five Towns Newsletter to the door. Such a nice gentle and intelligent man - it was a pleasure to have known him. I wish you and all the family G-d's solace and may he always be remembered for good.

Kind regards and best wishes, Asher Harris

The following is from a computer technician who spent all together about 4 hours in the presence of my father….amazing that he wrote such beautiful things after knowing him for such a brief period of time, but only goes more to show what an amazing personality my father was, in his own very quiet and humble way.

jane, my sincerest and deepest condolences to you on the loss of your beloved father. i will remember him as the bright, inquisitive, and effervescent man he was when i met him. please let me know if there is anything i can do.

my thoughts are with you,

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Letters Written by My Father

Below are a few letters which I have saved...a few were written when I went off to India the first time in 2001 and when my parents both first learnt to use the computer, a couple from my second trip in 2003, and finally, a scanned document of a hand written letter my father sent to me during one of his visits in the States! You will have to click on the letter to read it...once you click on it, you will be taken to another page (Flickr) ...right above the picture you will see a little grey button than says "all sizes" on that and you will be rewarded with the letter in large enough writing to read it! enjoy! It is from 1993!!

Sept 23., 2003
My Dearest Janie, We followed with interest your travels in India and enjoyed the many stories and relationships with the many people you encounter.We were especially pleased to hear you managed to be with Chabad for the holidays. It seems to me that in your search for your"inner self " amid the culture of India it seems that you have missed the obvious -that with your educational background in religious studies - further studies will bring you the same feeling of finding yourself. The trick is to find the right path. The visit with Benyomin and his darling son was quite uplifting. His sudden departure because of the illness of Shneur was somewhat upsetting to us .Before he left he donated for the next Shabbat Farbrengen at the Chabad shul in our neighborhood in honor of his son's complete recovery- and sure enough the following week we heard that the brain surgery procedure was successful. He is still having trouble with his balance and his eyesight but the prognosis is good and with therapy he will be his old self again soon. His speech was not affected at all and his faith and confidence in a complete recovery is admirable, but what else can we expect from a Chabadnick? We are all praying with him. He is going home on Thursday, thank God. As usual your children brighten our days with visits and phone calls.Last week we celebrated our first anniversary here in Maonot Maccabbi and Mother , Aviva and I went to see the ballet Sleeping Beauty to celebrate. My condition is satisfactory, some days I am riding high, other days completely fatigued or suffering from arthritic pains all over the body. Thank God for the high flying days! Despite this we are content and happy in our new surroundings. It seems everyday is a holiday. We have made quite a few new acquaintances and enjoy being with the residents. My job as chief librarian is rewarding and joyful. I think talking to you on paper is easy and I could ramble on and on,but since your mother will have to transcribe this, I will stop. Again a very happy new year. Love Daddy

Aug 18, 2003
Dear Janie, Mother and I are enjoying your journals and observations. At home here the days and the weeks are just rolling by. I guess as we get older our sense of time changes. I seem to be busy all the time . Aside from ping pong twice a week and exercises twice a week and lectures and concerts, etc., I fill the remainder of the time keeping the library updated and do considerable reading. In between all that the computer keeps me very occupied.It is amazing what I find on there when I look for news.Yesterday I accidentally put it on the Indian newspaper , I think it is called the "Statesman" all about Indolence Day, prominent personalities disasters, politics, sports, etc. A few days before I was reading English newspapers ,one called "The Guardian",giving their views of Israel. Not very complementary. Mentally I am doing well for a young man, exercising my mind with all types of puzzles and games. Every Shabbat Mother and I play Rummykub , 6 or 7 games. After a lifetime of competition Mother has a slight edge. It is lots of fun. We are in close contact at all times with your children and grandchildren and enjoying every minute. I think I can go rambling on for a long time, but I will close now with all my love. Daddy

Sept 21 2001
Dearest jane : last week I wrote a long letter but the computer operatorerred and it disappeared in transmission.Our visit to the Avnis was trulywonderful. Shira is a wonderful hostess and schmulick was equally caring andthoughtful.Your grandchildren were a joy. Shachar like her aunt elisheva isvery artistic and bright like her grandmother. Amit is very social and hasquite an entourage of companions. Ori is a delight to his parents.He hangonto amit like glue and wants to be one of the boys when his friends come.Amit is a skilled computer operator,when it comes to playing games.. on the second of the holiday , Iwas forced to returnhome as my entire body was envelope by intense painand allmy energyevaporated. Iwas competently exhausted, Like night and day ,today I feelnormal, when mother wasn't looking cleaned out the pool. Motherisbeginning tofeel at home on the machine,to the extent that shenowexperimenting with the menu bar. We are pleased that you are now a seasonedtraveler and enjoying new ev\experiences.i'm wearimg down so good bye ,loveand enjoythe hoidays. Daddy

Sept 4 2001
To my darling jane. It's been so exciting to receive your e-mail day andnight. Right now we are reveling over the presence of benyomin. Usually I'mquiet in company, but the fact that benyomin is here has made meloquacious,chattering on and on about Any thing that comes to mind, usuallyirrelevant to the subject on hand, but then I'm so happy to see him.You're a chip off th old block with your aches and pain and my empathy isever present as I'm daily battling similar aches and pains.I find difficultyin walking , tire easily and quite forgetful. My cane is a source ofamusement as I leave it someplace daily.edna has been a dear friend andgenuinely concerned about us .Sid Pinkas is also very nice .Despite his busyschedule ,he found time to come and resusicate the computor.typical Israeli

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Life's Detours, Their Blessings and Lessons

October 14, 2006 (2 days before my Father's Passing)

This Post also originally appeared on my Mindfulness Journal but I am including it here, with some editing, as it is part of the story...and certainly proves how important it is to follow our heart when making decisions...if we are connected with, and attuned to our soul, we can never go wrong!

My life has taken a detour, again (what we perceive as a detour in our journey, is only OUR understanding of the turn of events. Truth is, things are unfolding exactly as they should and all things occur as they are meant to at the moment in the Universal plan of things)…and has, at the same time, given me the opportunity for further growth through new lessons learnt. When one is forced to take a detour on a planned journey, it does not mean that he cannot enjoy the scenery on the new route. Perhaps pleasant scenery is not part of this detour for me, but certainly blessings to be found and lessons to be learnt are.

I am, at the moment, NOT in India as planned. As things worked out, two days before my scheduled flight, I cancelled my plans.

I had every intention of going to India to revive my spirit, recharge my batteries so to speak and gather new and fresh energies to help me continue caring for my ailing father, and give support to my Mother at this most difficult of times in her life.

However, the situation being what it is, I simply could not have achieved any of these goals in India due to the deterioration in my father’s health and the need to be here at this time. I would have been unable to release to the magical powers of the Mountains and it would have been a simple waste of time and money.

It is my privilege to be here now and help in any way I can to make my father’s passing as easy as possible and provide support to my Mother at the same time. I will not go into detail (for reasons I will write about shortly), beyond saying that my father has not been granted an easy and dignified end to his life. It is truly amazing to witness the power of fear, concern, worry and guilt, and how they can keep a soul, already cleansed and ready to depart, prisoner in a physical vessel which is, for all intent and purposes, no longer “living”.

I myself have entered a new stage in my relationship with my father, just as lovers do when the dimension of physical intimacy is added to their relationship. It changes things forever in ways that cannot be described in words. If the relationship is a truly loving one, the new intimacy is profound and felt well beyond the physical level-as deep as can be-two souls meet and commune and become one. And in the same way that these lovers would want to share the essence of their new relationship without sharing the intimate physical details, so I myself have found it fitting NOT to share the technical details of the my father’s condition- not to go into the very intimate details of my father’s last days, but will just say that the essence of this added dimension to my relationship with him, the wonder and new depth in our relationship is a gift beyond words.

This is the blessing this detour has given me with my father.

To see his physical distress, pain and frustration, to feel his raw emotional distress and anguish, is probably the most difficult lesson I have had to endure so far in my life. To watch this gentle loving man go through this lingering, undignified end to a proud and honorable life is almost beyond endurance. My helplessness is unbearable at times-the frailty of the physical body vs. the tenacity and strength of the mind, and our thoughts and beliefs, incomprehensible. The will and determination of the human mind to survive in the physical is beyond rationale, especially when the body in its physical form has just about completely shut down.

I do my best to comfort him with Reiki when he is willing to accept these loving energies, as he is granted respite from his physical and emotional torment. There is a visible change in his entire façade, his breathing, his muscle tone and he seems to enter a state of complete relaxation and release. However, he very often refuses to receive Reiki. His fears overwhelm him…he is drowning in fear, the fear that if he relaxes his grip for a moment on his physical reality, “something” will happen. What that something is he is unaware of, but the fear prevents him from allowing himself the luxury of release.

Like many Western people, my father has never talked about, or even thought of, Death and certainly has never contemplated his own passing. He has no concept of “soul” and the only thing which is real for him is the physical realm. He has never questioned his own mortality or the essence of the soul vs. the physical body needed to keep that soul here on Earth. And as a result, he is paralyzed by fear, of the unknown, of his own helplessness in his situation, by the complete breakdown of everything physical, and yet the rational mind will not, or is incapable of, giving in or releasing its grip. The only thing we can do now is to keep him as comfortable as possible for as long as necessary for him to finish his own processes. For those lucky enough to feel no fear of passing over, the final moment becomes a peaceful one-but for those who are completely unprepared, the need to cling to the familiar, to the physical, is overwhelming.

This is a lesson which challenges my beliefs to the core, and to my great joy, I find my beliefs unshakably strong . That knowledge is reassuring and I am most grateful to God and to the Universe for allowing me once again to be in a difficult and unsettling situation which COULD have shattered all I’ve held to be true. For allowing me to look in the mirror , see my professed beliefs held up for scrutiny, and still find them steadfast.

All DOES happen for our Higher Good, ALL things are a blessing, and the human mind, our intentions, our thoughts, CAN and DO make seemingly impossible things happen on a physical level.

Time Off for Family....And India Journals

September 8, 2006

The following post was originally posted on my Mindfulness Journal but since it gives some insight into my father's last few months, I have included it here as well.

Hi All, Sorry to have deserted you but wasn't sure anyone would notice. It's only since several of you have asked that I'm writing to let you know what's been going on for the past few weeks and why I haven't continued my postings on Reiki. Two of my daughters and their families have relocated, one from the city to the country, another coming back after 3 years of work abroad, and I spent several days with each of them helping them move in and organize their new homes. At the same time, my father is still going through a serious crisis after being, regretably, placed in a permanent nursing care unit. It will take him time to adjust but his complete dependence on others has taken a great toll and it is very difficult to see him, care for him etc. And of course, my Mother has been deeply effected by this as well. They have spent their entire life together as a couple, meeting each other something like 75 years ago and being married for 65 years. And the last 30+ years they have been retired and have spent every single day together just about all the time. The separation for them, beyond the difficult state my father is in, would be enough to create a serious emotional crisis leading to physical symptoms. It is like have part of your body ripped out. But they are both in the same assisted living building, my Mother in her own apartment still, and Father just downstairs, and they are both learning to come to terms with the situation. What the entire past year has created for all of us however, including myself, without our even being aware of it, is a chronic state of stress which has pretty much lasted for about 1 1/2 years actually, and only now have I understand the debilitating effect it has created in my life, on all levels, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. It has been devastating and only this week did I realize to what extent it has effected me. I am now working things through and putting myself "back together" as well...including going to the gym, (in addition to my daily practices of yoga, pranayama, meditation and Reiki) and, finally, working on my India Journals blog. All of the above has taken up my energies, both physically and mentally, and have therefore not posted anything new here all this time. My apologies....but part of the living in the now is living in the now! And doing what is right at each moment...flowing...learning...understanding...creating new ways of dealing and always opening the new doors of opportunity which present themselves to us along the matter how twisted and complicated it may seem sometimes. So, if you are interested in seeing what I've done so far on the India Journals (about 1/2 way finished but no photos yet)...and also a very interesting sum up post of Lesson's Learnt from my travels at the beginning of the can do so by following this link: Jane's India Journals Hope to get back to my regular blog entries shortly. My love to all Jane

90 YEARS YOUNG! And Still Going Strong!

May 12, 2006

You can click on any of the small pictures here and see them enlarged! Try it!
We made my father a small celebration last week while my brother Binyamin was here from the States. Just thought you might like to see this lovely man celebrating his 90th birthday. He was actually surprised by the party, made a very moving speech as well...he is indeed an amazing person and both an inspiration and a living lesson in how to really enjoy each day we are given and live in an attitude of gratitude, counting all our blessings, both big and small.We all love him dearly. There were 10 candles on the cake. One for each 10 years and 1 for the coming 10 years as well!

And just a couple of pics of this wonderful 90 year old having some computer fun....

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Daddy's Little Girl

You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold,
You're daddy's little girl to have and to hold.
A precious gem is what you are,
You're mom-my's bright and shi-ning star.
You're the spirit of Christmas, the star on my tree,
You're the Easter Bunny to mommy and me;
You're sugar, you're spice, you're ev'-ry-thing nice,
And you're daddy's little girl.

I've Been Working On The Railroad

I've been working on the railroad
All the livelong day
I've been working on the railroad
Just to pass the time away

Can't you hear the whistle blowing
Rise up so early in the morn
Can't you hear the captain shouting
Dinah, blow your horn

Dinah, won't you blow
Dinah, won't you blow
Dinah, won't you blow your horn
Dinah, won't you blow
Dinah, won't you blow
Dinah, won't you blow your horn

Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Someone's in the kitchen I know
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Strumming on the old banjo, and singing

Fie, fi, fiddly i o
Fie, fi, fiddly i o
Fie, fi, fiddly i o
Strumming on the old banjo

My Darlin’ Clementine

In a cavern, in a canyon,
Excavating for a mine,
Dwelt a miner, forty-niner,
And his daughter, Clementine.

Oh, my darlin', oh my darlin',
Oh, my darlin' Clementine.
You are lost and gone forever,
Dreadful sorry, Clementine.

Light she was and like a feather,
And her shoes were number nine.
Herring boxes without topses,
Sandals were for Clementine.


Drove she ducklings to the water,
Ev'ry morning just at nine.
Hit her foot against a splinter,
Fell into the foaming brine.


Ruby lips above the water,
Blowing bubbles soft and fine.
But, alas, I was no swimmer,
So I lost my Clementine.

The Erie Canal

I've got a mule, and her name is Sal.
Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal.
She's a good old worker and a good old pal,
Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal.
We've hauled some barges in our day,
Filled with lumber, coal and hay,
And we know ev'ry inch of the way
From Albany to Buffalo.

Low bridge! Ev'rybody down!
Low bridge, 'cause we're coming to a town;
And you'll always know your neighbor,
You'll always know your pal,
If you've ever navigated on the

You are my Sunshine

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away
The other nite, dear,
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms.
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
And I hung my head and cried.
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skys are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

The Bear Went Over the Mountain

The bear went over the mountain,
the bear went over the mountain
the bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain, to see what he could see.
And all that he could see, and all that he could see
Was the other side of the mountain, the other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain, was all that he could see.
Put your own verses in here like we always used to do….
And what do you think he did?....
He climbed the other mountain, he climbed the other mountain, etc.
And what do you think he saw?
He saw another mountain….etc.

Dai-didi-dai, didi-dai-di-di-dai-didi
Dai di-di dai, di-di dai…..
Dai-didi-dai, didi-dai-di-di-dai-didi
Dai di-di dai, di-di dai…..
Dai dai dai dai dai dai
Dai dai dai dai dai dai Etc……

Old Zip Coon

There once was a man with a double chin
who performed with skill on a violin.
And he played in time and he played in tune
but he wouldn't play anything but Old Zip Coon.
Old Zip Coon he played all day,
Till he drove his friends away
He played all night by the light of the moon
but he wouldn't play anything but Old Zip Coon.


I'll be lovin' you, always
With a love that's
true, always
When the things you've planned need a
helpin' hand
I will understand always, always

Days may not be fair, always
That's when I'll
be there, always
Not for just an hour, not for just a
Not for just a year but always

Days may not
be fair, always
That's when I'll be there,
Not for just an hour, not just a day
Not for
just one year but always